New Parent/Gottman Bringing Baby Home
Baby enters the picture and instead of everything being rosy and amazing, life is turned upside down. Mom is feeling overwhelmed, [sometimes] doesn’t like being a parent and feels guilty about that, and is in a perpetual state of exhaustion. Mom is also feeling angry at her partner for not helping more. Partner feels totally unimportant and isolated, and doesn’t get why Mom isn’t happier. Baby cries. Fights escalate. Both parents feel alone, that their needs are unimportant, and are utterly exhausted. Sound familiar? Read on.
Even the strongest relationships are strained during the transition to parenthood. Lack of sleep, never-ending housework and new fiscal concerns can lead to profound stress and a decline in marital satisfaction — all of which affect baby’s care. Not surprisingly, 69% of new parents experience conflict, disappointment, and hurt feelings.
Our research-based Bringing Baby Home workshops prepare couples for life with baby and helps them be the best parenting team possible. In a relaxed and supportive environment, parents learn to strengthen their relationship and foster baby’s development during this challenging time. They build on what Dr. Gottman and colleagues found is the best predictor of marital adjustment after baby arrives: the quality of friendship in the marriage.
This workshop combines scientific research and public education to improve the quality of life for babies and children by strengthening their families. It teaches new parents how to gain relationship satisfaction and create healthy social, emotional, and intellectual development for their children. Click here to learn more about Dr. Gottman’s parenting research. Or, if you’re ready for some change in your house, contact me to learn more about the FUN classes I offer!
(Note: I also offer this service to expecting parents—it’s the perfect way to prepare for your little bundle. :))